Friday, April 19th 2024

What are Electricity Utilities?

This is the section of the utilities industry that focuses on the production and delivery of electricity to generate profits. Definitely one of the most regulated industries and often owned by government entities in Europe, electric utilities have had a departure from their usual docile existence the past decade. First, with the advent of energy trading in the let 1990s it seemed as if they might grow to dominant world corporations, finally bucking their history as slow and steady growers. When Enron exploded and took energy trading with it, many US utilties nearly went bankrupt but have since recovered. Then, just over that, oil went up fivefold, sending electricity costs through the roof as the price of nearly every commodity rocketed along.

Probably the dirtiest industry in the US due to the reliance on coal burning for power generation, they are much more respected around the world where nuclear energy dominates the likes of France, Japan and Costa Rica.

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